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the economy

first of all why did they (who knows who) make the name so boring! why not call it: the thing we use to compare ourselves to other countrys, or the thing big contrys are good at having, just anything but the economy.

What does it do for us? Well, it gives us yet another thing to argue about. take this conversaton at the groshry store: cashere: the economy is in the dumps! Shopper: no it’s not! Well, it’s better than china’s! Cashere: yes, but it’s falling badly! Shopper: but its not BAD! cashere: umm maybe. Employee: whats going on! Shopper: he started it! Employee: what did he say? Shopper: he seid “the economy is in the dumps!” employee: it is not in the dumps! Cashere: ok ok!

You can find these arguments at political debates, opinion articles, realy anywhere with more than one person, including... the groshery store.